Parcel Number: 25351.0103 Data As Of: 3/12/2025
Site Address:    3108 W THORPE RD SCOUT Map

Address: 2707 E 18TH AVE, SPOKANE, WA, 99223-5139
Taxpayer Name: SMITH, VINCENT A
Address: 2707 E 18TH AVE, SPOKANE, WA, 99223-5139
Parcel TypeSite AddressCityLand SizeSize Desc.DescriptionTax YearTax Code AreaStatus
R3108 W THORPE RDSPOKANE42408Square Feet11 Single Unit20250010Active
35-25-42 CITY OF SPOKANE SP Z1200035FSP LOT C BLK 1 (AFN# 6147850)
Parcel ClassAppraiserNeighborhood CodeNeighborhood NameNeighborhood DescAppraiser NameAppraiser Phone
11 Single Unit157332335WMRSH Blaine(509) 477-5936

Under Washington State Law (WAC 458-07-015) The Assessor’s office is required to make an exterior observation of all properties at least once every six years. This property is scheduled for inspection between September 2025 and May of 2026.
Tax YearTaxableMarket TotalLandDwelling/StructureCurrent Use LandPersonal Prop.

Taxes are due April 30th and October 31st
Total Charges Owing: $836.73

Tax YearCharge TypeAnnual ChargesRemaining Charges Owing
Total Taxes for 2025 836.73836.73
2025A/V Property Tax 801.33801.33
2025Soil Conservation Principal CNSV1 10.1010.10
2025State Forest Patrol Principal SFFIRE1 17.0017.00
2025State Forest Patrol Principal SFFIRE2 6.006.00
2025State Forest Patrol Principal SFFIRE3 0.500.50
2025Weed Control Principal WCWEED1 1.801.80
Total Taxes for 2024 692.850.00
2024A/V Interest 37.100.00
2024A/V Property Tax 618.220.00
2024Soil Conservation Interest 0.600.00
2024Soil Conservation Principal CNSV1 10.100.00
2024State Forest Patrol Interest 1.420.00
2024State Forest Patrol Principal SFFIRE1 17.000.00
2024State Forest Patrol Principal SFFIRE2 6.000.00
2024State Forest Patrol Principal SFFIRE3 0.500.00
2024Weed Control Interest 0.110.00
2024Weed Control Principal WCWEED1 1.800.00
Total Taxes for 2023 679.860.00
2023A/V Interest 83.370.00
2023A/V Property Tax 555.780.00
2023Soil Conservation Interest 1.510.00
2023Soil Conservation Principal CNSV1 10.100.00
2023State Forest Patrol Interest 3.530.00
2023State Forest Patrol Principal SFFIRE1 17.000.00
2023State Forest Patrol Principal SFFIRE2 6.000.00
2023State Forest Patrol Principal SFFIRE3 0.500.00
2023Weed Control Interest 0.270.00
2023Weed Control Principal WCWEED1 1.800.00
Total Taxes for 2022 839.410.00
2022A/V Interest 192.160.00
2022A/V Property Tax 600.510.00
2022Soil Conservation Interest 3.240.00
2022Soil Conservation Principal CNSV1 10.100.00
2022State Forest Patrol Interest 7.520.00
2022State Forest Patrol Principal SFFIRE1 17.000.00
2022State Forest Patrol Principal SFFIRE2 6.000.00
2022State Forest Patrol Principal SFFIRE3 0.500.00
2022Weed Control Interest 0.580.00
2022Weed Control Principal WCWEED1 1.800.00

Tax Receipts
Tax YearReceipt NumberReceipt DateReceipt Amount 
Levy NameLevy Rate 2024Levy Rate 2025Levy TypeTax ID
County General 0.7027 0.7089 Non-Voted0010
County General Cons Futures 0.0256 0.0259 Non-Voted0010
SD081 Spokane B&I 1.5793 1.3429 Voted0010
SD081 Spokane General 2.2492 2.5000 Voted0010
Spokane Bond 0.0941 0.0939 Voted0010
Spokane Bond New 0.2087 0.2189 Voted0010
Spokane EMS 0.4946 0.4995 Non-Voted0010
Spokane General 1.9534 2.0068 Non-Voted0010
Spokane General Senior Lift 0.2006 0.2028 Non-Voted0010
State School 1.4010 1.4901 Non-Voted0010
State School Levy 2 0.7505 0.8031 Non-Voted0010

Dwelling/ StructureYear BuiltGross Living AreaSizeTypeHouse TypeRoof MaterialHeatCoolBedroom*Half Bath*Full Bath*
SHEDGP 1973NA1     000
* - Room counts reflect above grade rooms only.

Land NumberSoil IDFrontageDepthLot(s)
1T1SL 001
Sale DateSale PriceSale InstrumentExcise NumberParcel
12/10/202476,100.00Treasurer's Deed20241436525351.0103

Recorded Documents

To view recorded documents related to this parcel, please visit the Auditor’s Recorded Documents Portal

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Building Permits
Electrical Permits
Online Building Permits