Use the Good Cause Form below to request judicial reconsideration if you have failed to respond to your citation timely or appear for a scheduled hearing. You will be notified via USPS standard mail.

Citation Information

Case Number
Your case/ticket number is required. 
Violation Date (MM/DD/YYYY)
Your violation date is required. Select the date from the pop up calendar starting with the month, then the day or you can enter it in MM/DD/YYYY format. 
This is the violation or charge as it appears on your ticket. 

Defendant's Information

Your Name
Your first and last name are required. Middle initial is optional. 
Your Date of Birth (MM/DD/YYYY)
Your Date of Birth is required. Please enter it in MM/DD/YYYY format. 
Email Address
Your email address is required. 
Confirm your Email Address
Please confirm your email address. 
Phone Number
Your daytime phone number is required in 999-999-9999 format. 
Street Address
Your street address is required. 
Your mailing city is required. 
Your state is required. 
Your zip code is required. 

Request Details

Select the reason for this request. 
How do you want your request processed? 
Your Statement
Please add a statement or any details that you would like to provide regarding your Good Cause request. 
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