Tuesday, January 21, 2025

All inmate Roster for 1/21/2025 - last updated 2:55 AM
Limit the list to all persons with a last name beginning with:
All inmates currently in custody of Detention Services
* The Bondable column indicates if the inmate can be released if the listed bond amount is paid. Call the Jail for more information on inmates that have "CALL" in the Bondable column.
** Individuals on EHM - Electronic Home Monitoring- are community custody, and monitored / supervised via RF or GPS technology. These individuals are not housed within a Detention Services facility.
Inmate Name Book NumberStatus**Bondable*Total Bond
ABDULRADA, ALI 250000361 Spokane County Jail Inmate NO $0.00
ADAMS, COBY CAY 240006306 Spokane County Jail Inmate NO $30,000.00
ADAMS, ORRY L 250000371 Spokane County Jail Inmate YES $50,000.00
ADEDEJI, MOSES 240015368 Spokane County Jail Inmate CALL $750,000.00
AGUILERA, JOHN 240014312 Geiger Facility Inmate NO $0.00
AINSWORTH, PAUL G 230009164 Spokane County Jail Inmate YES $100,000.00
ALDAN, BOWEN JOHN 240007194 Spokane County Jail Inmate YES $50,000.00
ALDRICH, BRANDON LEE 240016147 Geiger Facility Inmate YES $6,000.00
ALEX, GERALDINE DETRA 240014714 Spokane County Jail Inmate YES $10,000.00
ALEX, SAVAAD CLIFFORD 240013486 Spokane County Jail Inmate YES $190,000.00
ALIK, DAVID 240015709 Spokane County Jail Inmate YES $26,000.00
ALLMAN IV, SAMUEL SIDNEY 240016932 Spokane County Jail Inmate YES $1,000.00
ANDERSON, COREY ALAN 240010843 Spokane County Jail Inmate CALL $10,000.00
ANDERSON, CURTIS C 240015907 Geiger Facility Inmate YES $3,500.00
ANDERSON, EARL 240009623 Spokane County Jail Inmate YES $2,500.00
ANDERSON, IAN JONATHON 240011015 Geiger Facility Inmate YES $50,000.00
ANDERSON, KYLE D 250000850 Spokane County Jail Inmate NO $0.00
ANDERSON, QUESTON T J 240017392 Spokane County Jail Inmate YES $500.00
ANDERSON, ROBERT GOODWIN 250000872 Spokane County Jail Inmate YES $250.00
ANDRADA, REMIJIO RAY 240013561 Spokane County Jail Inmate NO $0.00
ANDRADE, RICKY E 250000899 Spokane County Jail Inmate YES $500.00
ANDREASEN, DENNIS MAUL 250000602 Spokane County Jail Inmate CALL $50,000.00
ANDREAS-MILLER, ANGELA L 250000076 Spokane County Jail Inmate YES $500,000.00
ANDREWS, KASEY CHARLES 240015908 Geiger Facility Inmate YES $2,500.00
ANDREWS, MICHAEL JAMES 240013628 Spokane County Jail Inmate NO $0.00
ANKIEN, JORAM 250000313 Geiger Facility Inmate YES $1,000.00
AREVALO III, ANDRES 250000734 Geiger Facility Inmate YES $5,000.00
ARLT, KRYSTAL C 250000334 Spokane County Jail Inmate YES $500.00
ARMOUR, NICCOLE LESSILY 240017417 Spokane County Jail Inmate NO $0.00
ARREOLA, MIGUEL A 240013180 Geiger Facility Inmate YES $25,000.00
ATKINS, JAMES J 240010082 Spokane County Jail Inmate NO $500,000.00
ATTEBERRY, VANCE M 240015966 Spokane County Jail Inmate YES $3,500.00
ATTERBERRY, SHANE MICHAEL 240015517 Spokane County Jail Inmate NO $0.00
ATTY, BENDER 240015082 Spokane County Jail Inmate NO $0.00
AUFFDERHAAR, KALEB 230010841 Spokane County Jail Inmate YES $115,000.00
AYALA-PINEDA, MANUEL 240016631 Spokane County Jail Inmate NO $0.00
BACON, CARISSA LYNN 250000257 Spokane County Jail Inmate YES $1,000.00
BACON, WILLIAM DEAN 240007854 Spokane County Jail Inmate YES $75,000.00
BAESMAN, MICHAEL W 240015184 Geiger Facility Inmate YES $1,500.00
BAILEY, JOSEPH RANDAL 240010717 Geiger Facility Inmate NO $0.00
BAKER, JACOB L 240014579 Spokane County Jail Inmate YES $50,000.00
BAKER, JESSE MUNRO 240014535 Spokane County Jail Inmate CALL $25,000.00
BAKER, MICHAEL RICHARD 240017310 Geiger Facility Inmate NO $0.00
BAKER, NICHOLAS M 250000621 Spokane County Jail Inmate YES $15,000.00
BAKER, SAMANTHA C 240009526 Spokane County Jail Inmate NO $0.00
BALBI, RICHARD ROBERT 250000714 Geiger Facility Inmate YES $5,000.00
BALLESTEROS-PAKOOTAS, DONAVAN LEE 240016427 Spokane County Jail Inmate NO $0.00
BANNING, DAMEN JOSHUA 240015249 Geiger Facility Inmate YES $6,750.00
BARKSDALE, DEVIN L 240017444 Geiger Facility Inmate YES $15,000.00
BARNES, NICHOLAS E 240010639 Geiger Facility Inmate YES $25,000.00
BARTON, THOMAS JACKSON 240017213 Spokane County Jail Inmate YES $6,500.00
BASDEN, JAYDEN JAMES 240014118 Spokane County Jail Inmate YES $30,250.00
BAUMANN, JEFFREY E 240016668 Geiger Facility Inmate NO $0.00
BAY, TAKAO R 230014676 Spokane County Jail Inmate CALL $1,000,000.00
BAYER, GEORGE C 240016663 Geiger Facility EHM NO $0.00
BEARLEY, SAMARA F 240015104 Spokane County Jail Inmate NO $0.00
BEARSHIELD, VANESSA BROOKE 250000663 Spokane County Jail Inmate YES $78,000.00
BEEMAN, TRISTAN DUANE 230011999 Spokane County Jail Inmate YES $50,000.00
BELGER, GENA R 240015338 Spokane County Jail Inmate YES $2,500.00
BELICH, YEVGENIY P 250000931 Spokane County Jail Inmate NO $0.00
BELL, EMILY ROCHELLE 250000702 Spokane County Jail Inmate YES $1,500.00
BENNETT, ANTHONY L 240011768 Spokane County Jail Inmate YES $100,000.00
BENNETT, BRANDON T 240010991 Spokane County Jail Inmate YES $260,000.00
BERG, JASON JEROME 240007949 Spokane County Jail Inmate YES $2,500.00
BERGAMO, ROBERT RAY 250000474 Spokane County Jail Inmate NO $0.00
BERNDT, GAVIN A 240010025 Spokane County Jail Inmate YES $40,000.00
BESTROM, JARED DAVID 240016746 Spokane County Jail Inmate YES $250.00
BIGHAM, TIMOTHY LANE 240014018 Spokane County Jail Inmate YES $25,000.00
BIRDSILL, MATTHEW B 240015283 Geiger Facility Inmate YES $10,000.00
BLACK, BRITTANY L 240012949 Spokane County Jail Inmate YES $25,250.00
BLACKMON, DONTA L 240007339 Spokane County Jail Inmate NO $25,000.00
BLAIR, ALEX J 240016546 Geiger Facility Inmate YES $2,000.00
BLAIR, BLAINE 250000781 Spokane County Jail Inmate YES $750.00
BLAISDELL, SHAMIL A 250000653 Geiger Facility Inmate CALL $5,000.00
BLANTON, CHANCY D 240015715 Spokane County Jail Inmate NO $0.00
BODENHOFER, JUSTIN JULIAN 240016957 Spokane County Jail Inmate YES $25,000.00
BOGGESS, MONICA MONIQUE 240017272 Spokane County Jail Inmate YES $1,000.00
BOHANNON, NICOLAS JAMES 250000035 Geiger Facility Inmate YES $3,750.00
BOLTZ, JOSHUA M 250000722 Geiger Facility Inmate NO $0.00
BONNER, KISHANEY DWIGHT 240010635 Spokane County Jail Inmate YES $75,000.00
BORIS, GREGORY CHARLES 240001836 Spokane County Jail Inmate YES $300,000.00
BOSCH, MICHAEL J 240007985 Spokane County Jail Inmate YES $5,000.00
BOTZON, BRYAN T 240016054 Spokane County Jail Inmate YES $359,500.00
BOWEN, KYLE MATTHEW 240008682 Spokane County Jail Inmate YES $20,000.00
BOWLES, JONATHON WAYNE 210014170 Spokane County Jail Inmate CALL $1,000,000.00
BOYD, JOSEPH A 240017092 Geiger Facility Inmate YES $2,500.00
BOYKIN, LONNIE V 240012245 Spokane County Jail Inmate YES $10,000.00
BRADBURN, ALYSSA 240008966 Spokane County Jail Inmate YES $1,000,000.00
BRAXTON, EMMANUEL LA 240015520 Spokane County Jail Inmate YES $250,000.00
BRAZINGTON, SHEENA E 240017365 Spokane County Jail Inmate YES $5,000.00
BRECKNER, KODY C 250000945 Spokane County Jail Inmate NO $0.00
BREWER, JAHIEM J 240014606 Spokane County Jail Inmate YES $36,500.00
BRIGMAN, NICHOLAS KI 250000336 Spokane County Jail Inmate YES $1,500.00
BRITTON, JENNA LYNN 240016747 Spokane County Jail Inmate YES $50,250.00
BRODERICK, JACOB 250000764 Spokane County Jail Inmate NO $5,000.00
BROOKS, PARKER DIXON 250000946 Spokane County Jail Inmate NO $0.00
BROWN, CHARLES E 250000710 Spokane County Jail Inmate YES $2,000.00
BROWN, DARIUS D 240017202 Spokane County Jail Inmate CALL $25,000.00
BROWN, RANDY SCOTT 240009088 Spokane County Jail Inmate YES $100,000.00
BROWN, RICHARD N 250000873 Spokane County Jail Inmate NO $0.00
BROWN, SADIE MARIE 240015594 Spokane County Jail Inmate YES $1,500.00
BROWN, SAMANTHA LEE 250000447 Spokane County Jail Inmate CALL $2,500.00
BUCHANAN, TYLOR ANTHONY 250000769 Spokane County Jail Inmate YES $250.00
BUNCH, BLAINE ALLEN 240007608 Spokane County Jail Inmate NO $0.00
BURKS, GENE RICHARD 240003546 Geiger Facility Inmate YES $7,500.00
BURNER, CALEB HUNTER 250000670 Geiger Facility Inmate YES $1,000.00
BURNETT, CASEY GLENNN 250000751 Spokane County Jail Inmate NO $0.00
BURT, JOHNNY R 240008789 Spokane County Jail Inmate NO $0.00
BUSWELL, DAVID B 250000862 Spokane County Jail Inmate NO $0.00
BUTTERS, KEITH JOSEPH 240003645 Spokane County Jail Inmate YES $50,000.00
CABLE, ANTHONY J 250000916 Spokane County Jail Inmate NO $0.00
CALBICK, FRANK BRYAN 240015927 Spokane County Jail Inmate YES $32,500.00
CALDERON, GABRRIELA 250000367 Spokane County Jail Inmate YES $3,000.00
CALISSENDORFF, KAILEY JILLIAN 250000190 Spokane County Jail Inmate YES $250.00
CAMPBELL, KIMBERLY ANN 250000788 Spokane County Jail Inmate YES $2,000.00
CANTON, DONISHA L 240014816 Spokane County Jail Inmate YES $30,000.00
CARDER, CALEB NELSON 240007498 Spokane County Jail Inmate YES $750,000.00
CAROLUS, MIRANDA R 250000183 Spokane County Jail Inmate YES $7,500.00
CARSON, BENNIE LEE 230007167 Geiger Facility Inmate YES $75,000.00
CARTER, ZION J 210009455 Spokane County Jail Inmate NO $1,500,000.00
CASTILLO, AMBEROSE MARIE 250000677 Spokane County Jail Inmate NO $0.00
CAVE, CASSANDRA ANN 250000786 Spokane County Jail Inmate YES $2,500.00
CERILLO, DAVID A 250000487 Geiger Facility Inmate YES $2,500.00
CERVANTES, OSCAR 240015971 Spokane County Jail Inmate NO $0.00
CHAMBERS, ARTHUR LEE 240014382 Spokane County Jail Inmate NO $25,000.00
CHAMPAGNE, JONATHAN KALEB 250000943 Spokane County Jail Inmate YES $15,000.00
CHANDLER, HOLLIS ETHAN 240016387 Spokane County Jail Inmate YES $5,000.00
CHARBONNEAU, HAGEN FREDERICK 230001727 Spokane County Jail Inmate YES $1,000,000.00
CHASTAIN, ANTHONY LEE 240015217 Spokane County Jail Inmate YES $500,000.00
CHAVEZ, ADAM M 250000910 Spokane County Jail Inmate YES $500.00
CHAVEZ, ANGELINA M 250000906 Spokane County Jail Inmate NO $0.00
CHERKASHIN, RUSLAN V 250000241 Geiger Facility Inmate YES $500.00
CLARK, DAMIEN STEPHEN 240016034 Spokane County Jail Inmate NO $500,000.00
CLARK, THOMAS WENDELL 240013815 Spokane County Jail Inmate NO $0.00
CLOGG, JAMELL STEPHEN 240008693 Spokane County Jail Inmate YES $75,000.00
CLOPTON, SAMUAL ALAN 240012730 Geiger Facility Inmate NO $0.00
COBOS, RICHARD JOSEPH 240016571 Geiger Facility Inmate YES $500.00
COCHRAN, JODY DOUGLAS 240016378 Spokane County Jail Inmate YES $7,500.00
COCHRAN, LATOYIA D 240015033 Spokane County Jail Inmate YES $1,000.00
CODD, JOSEPH N 240014488 Spokane County Jail Inmate NO $0.00
CODY, WILLIAM 240010536 Spokane County Jail Inmate YES $25,000.00
COFFMAN, MICHAEL MACRAE 240016581 Geiger Facility Inmate YES $1,000.00
COLLETTE, BERNARD FLOYD JR 240017308 Spokane County Jail Inmate YES $1,000.00
COLLINS, MARIE LOUISE 240003889 Spokane County Jail Inmate YES $250,000.00
COLLINS, MICHAEL J 250000547 Spokane County Jail Inmate YES $500.00
COLLINS, TRAVIS LEE 240015937 Spokane County Jail Inmate NO $0.00
COMER, WYATT F 240009094 Spokane County Jail Inmate YES $500,000.00
COMTO, JINA 240017001 Spokane County Jail Inmate YES $2,500.00
CONANT, DANIEL P 240017161 Spokane County Jail Inmate YES $10,000.00
CONERY, BLAKE DAVID 240014456 Spokane County Jail Inmate YES $2,000.00
COOPER, NICOLE JEAN 240015484 Spokane County Jail Inmate CALL $2,750.00
CORTES, GARCIA-ZURIEL 250000705 Spokane County Jail Inmate NO $0.00
CORTES, MIQUEAS S 240009298 Spokane County Jail Inmate YES $50,000.00
COTTON, JOHN ERIC 240011752 Spokane County Jail Inmate YES $250,000.00
COTTRELL, SHAWN ALLEN 240012787 Spokane County Jail Inmate NO $50,000.00
COURTNEY, VICKY M 240015247 Spokane County Jail Inmate YES $1,500.00
COX, JAQUIN E 240015512 Spokane County Jail Inmate YES $50,000.00
COYLE, ERIC MICHAEL 240017172 Spokane County Jail Inmate YES $35,000.00
CRUZ, DAVID MICHAEL 240003929 Spokane County Jail Inmate YES $50,000.00
CRUZ, SYLOUS LEE 250000562 Geiger Facility Inmate NO $0.00
CUEVAS GALARZA, EMMANUEL 250000584 Spokane County Jail Inmate NO $0.00
CUNNINGHAM, ETHAN STEPHEN 230006539 Spokane County Jail Inmate YES $400,000.00
DALY, FLEET M S 240013649 Spokane County Jail Inmate YES $100,000.00
DAMERVILLE, KATELYN MARIE 250000730 Spokane County Jail Inmate YES $2,000.00
DANIELS, DAVONTAE JAMES 230015258 Spokane County Jail Inmate CALL $250,000.00
DANIELS, WARREN S 250000761 Spokane County Jail Inmate YES $15,000.00
DANLEY, CAMERON R 240016660 Geiger Facility Inmate YES $25,000.00
DASILVA, JACENIR 240015296 Spokane County Jail Inmate NO $0.00
DAU, DINAL J 240015431 Geiger Facility Inmate YES $5,250.00
DAUTEUIL, JOHNATHAN DANIEL 240015909 Spokane County Jail Inmate NO $0.00
DAVIDSON, RAY DEAN 250000853 Spokane County Jail Inmate YES $1,500.00
DAVIS, ANTONIO MARKESE 240015196 Spokane County Jail Inmate NO $50,000.00
DAVIS, DAKOTA ALEX 240016354 Geiger Facility Inmate YES $20,000.00
DAVIS, MICKEY 220008304 Spokane County Jail Inmate YES $750,000.00
DAWKINS, MIRANDA MARIE 250000944 Spokane County Jail Inmate YES $2,000.00
DEAN, LEE AUSTIN 240017041 Spokane County Jail Inmate YES $1,750.00
DEHAMER, BILLY J 250000824 Spokane County Jail Inmate NO $250.00
DELAGO, SCOTT BAZIL 240017216 Geiger Facility Inmate NO $15,000.00
DELAY, CHAD ALEXANDER 240014277 Spokane County Jail Inmate CALL $500.00
DELAY, KIERRA MARIE 250000909 Spokane County Jail Inmate NO $0.00
DELGADO, STEPHANIE A 240017119 Spokane County Jail Inmate YES $1,000.00
DENBEIGH, ANGELIQUE N 250000930 Spokane County Jail Inmate NO $0.00
DENMON, DARIUS L 240015270 Spokane County Jail Inmate YES $100,000.00
DEPASQUALE, ROBERT ALLEN H 250000893 Spokane County Jail Inmate YES $500.00
DESTEFANIS, BODEY 240008546 Spokane County Jail Inmate YES $75,000.00
DEVLEMING, JOSHUA C 240007371 Geiger Facility Inmate YES $20,000.00
DEVLIN, JEFFREY SCOTT 240017055 Spokane County Jail Inmate YES $250.00
DEWITT, CODY ALLEN 240012084 Geiger Facility Inmate YES $28,000.00
DIAZ, GABRIEL M 240015701 Spokane County Jail Inmate NO $0.00
DICKERSON, CHARLES LEE 240012656 Spokane County Jail Inmate NO $0.00
DICKERSON, ROBERT PAUL 240017178 Geiger Facility Inmate YES $8,000.00
DICKMAN, DANA H 230007367 Spokane County Jail Inmate YES $250,000.00
DICKSON, LOYAL O 250000650 Spokane County Jail Inmate NO $0.00
DILUZIO JR, ELMER BLAKE 240012109 Geiger Facility Inmate NO $0.00
DIMICO, LEAH F 240014713 Spokane County Jail Inmate NO $0.00
DISTERHEFT, CODY AWAN 240016760 Geiger Facility Inmate YES $250.00
DOBLER, KATRYNA ANNABELLA 240016882 Spokane County Jail Inmate CALL $10,000.00
DOCKINS, KELLY U 230009561 Spokane County Jail Inmate YES $100,000.00
DOMEBO-PEONE, KIANNA D 240014817 Spokane County Jail Inmate YES $30,000.00
DORN, JACOB WILLIAM 240016445 Geiger Facility Inmate CALL $250.00
DOUGHTY, GUNNAR M 240001668 Spokane County Jail Inmate YES $1,005,000.00
DOUGLAS, STEPHANTAE 240016487 Spokane County Jail Inmate YES $1,500.00
DOW, LEROY SCOTT 240017083 Geiger Facility Inmate YES $10,000.00
DOWELL, CHRISTOPHER WAYNE 250000368 Spokane County Jail Inmate YES $25,000.00
DOWNARD, JUSTIN WILLIAM 240015631 Spokane County Jail Inmate YES $1,000.00
DOZIER, BRANDON M 240013882 Geiger Facility Inmate YES $10,000.00
DRIGGS, CLAUDE JAMES 240011200 Spokane County Jail Inmate NO $0.00
DRIVER, SEAN MICHAEL 240011417 Spokane County Jail Inmate YES $25,000.00
DUNN, KENDYL A 240009074 Geiger Facility EHM NO $0.00
DYE, JESSE T 240017104 Spokane County Jail Inmate YES $1,000.00
EBY, CHRISTOPHER JEREMY JAY 240016507 Spokane County Jail Inmate NO $0.00
EDDINGTON, HENRY J 240017241 Geiger Facility Inmate YES $1,000.00
EDWARDS, JOSHUA LOT 240003827 Spokane County Jail Inmate NO $0.00
EIFFERT, DAMIAN C 240014478 Spokane County Jail Inmate CALL $2,000,000.00
EISENMAN, JOHN BROOKS 210012736 Spokane County Jail Inmate NO $0.00
ELLIOTT, TRAVIS RYAN 240011467 Geiger Facility Inmate NO $0.00
ELLIS, MARTAY L 240004435 Spokane County Jail Inmate YES $1,250,000.00
EMERY, ANDREW J 240016821 Geiger Facility Inmate NO $0.00
ENDRESS, GLORIA B 240011714 Spokane County Jail Inmate CALL $250,000.00
ENRIQUEZ, CRYSTAL LYNN 250000879 Spokane County Jail Inmate YES $1,250.00
EPPERSON, JOSHUA C 250000020 Spokane County Jail Inmate YES $10,250.00
ERICKSON, DEWAYNE B 230014079 Spokane County Jail Inmate NO $258,000.00
ESPINOZA, STEPHEN A 240004106 Geiger Facility Inmate YES $250,000.00
ESPINOZA-GARCIA, BERNARDO 250000841 Spokane County Jail Inmate NO $0.00
ESTRADA, ALEJANDRO 250000175 Spokane County Jail Inmate YES $750.00
EVANS, ROBERT EVERETT 250000048 Geiger Facility Inmate NO $0.00
EVANS, SHAUN MICHAEL 240014576 Spokane County Jail Inmate CALL $1,000.00
EVARISTO-BALDERAS, ABRAHAM F 230010667 Spokane County Jail Inmate YES $1,030,000.00
FAIN, EDWARD TAYLOR III 240017315 Geiger Facility Inmate YES $250.00
FARRELL, JORDAN TAYLOR 240014344 Geiger Facility Inmate NO $0.00
FATONE, RYAN MATTHEW 240013563 Spokane County Jail Inmate NO $10,000.00
FAUGHT, DYLAN ALLEN 250000224 Spokane County Jail Inmate YES $500.00
FAUTH, AARON S 240015102 Spokane County Jail Inmate NO $0.00
FAZILI, DAUD 250000839 Spokane County Jail Inmate YES $500.00
FERGUSON, FRANKLIN M 240015109 Spokane County Jail Inmate NO $0.00
FETT, JESSE N 240012509 Spokane County Jail Inmate YES $75,000.00
FIEBELKORN, NATHAN J 250000423 Spokane County Jail Inmate NO $0.00
FIELDS, BENSON E 250000849 Spokane County Jail Inmate NO $500.00
FIGOLAH, JACOB D 250000326 Geiger Facility Inmate YES $1,500.00
FINLEY, MERCEDES ALEXANDRA 240015571 Spokane County Jail Inmate NO $0.00
FINLEY, RAYMOND W 250000246 Spokane County Jail Inmate NO $0.00
FISHER, ELIZABETH 250000870 Spokane County Jail Inmate NO $0.00
FISHER, JUSTIN JAMES 240013082 Spokane County Jail Inmate YES $5,000.00
FITZGERALD, ANTOINE W 250000128 Spokane County Jail Inmate NO $0.00
FLAGEL, LEVI Z 240015202 Geiger Facility Inmate YES $5,000.00
FLATT, NICHOLAS C 240016531 Spokane County Jail Inmate CALL $2,000.00
FLEISHMAN, NATHANAEL J 250000319 Spokane County Jail Inmate NO $0.00
FLETT, DARRYL R 250000919 Spokane County Jail Inmate NO $0.00
FLEWELL, MICHAEL W 250000054 Geiger Facility Inmate YES $3,000.00
FORD, LEE JASON 240017208 Geiger Facility Inmate NO $0.00
FORSSTROM, AMY L 240016741 Spokane County Jail Inmate YES $50,250.00
FOX, JAGER J 220009981 Spokane County Jail Inmate YES $850,000.00
FRACKENPOHL, BRANDON THOMAS 240014809 Spokane County Jail Inmate YES $500,000.00
FRANCISCO, RYLEE D 240016301 Geiger Facility Inmate NO $0.00
FRANKLIN, WILLIAM D 240014944 Spokane County Jail Inmate NO $0.00
FRAZIER, CHRISTOPHER MICHAEL 250000028 Spokane County Jail Inmate YES $85,250.00
FRIO, MICHAEL SCOTT 240015099 Spokane County Jail Inmate YES $15,000.00
FROMKNECHT, CHRISTOPHER E 240016764 Spokane County Jail Inmate NO $0.00
FRY, ANTHONY RAY 250000545 Geiger Facility Inmate YES $1,000.00
FULLER, BRYCE A 240012632 Spokane County Jail Inmate YES $150,000.00
GALLOWAY, TREY SCOTT 250000340 Geiger Facility Inmate NO $0.00
GALVAN MORENO, SALVADOR 240012806 Spokane County Jail Inmate CALL $50,000.00
GAMBLE, DANIEL RYAN 250000565 Geiger Facility Inmate YES $1,500.00
GARCIA, ADRIAN J 240017253 Spokane County Jail Inmate NO $0.00
GARCIA, ROJELIO 240016966 Geiger Facility EHM NO $0.00
GARCIA, THOMAS DANIEL 240013011 Spokane County Jail Inmate CALL $100,050.00
GARDIPEE, DONALD LESLIE 250000314 Spokane County Jail Inmate YES $10,000.00
GARDNER, MANUEL R 240012757 Geiger Facility Inmate YES $10,000.00
GARRETT, BERTHA ROSE 240010384 Spokane County Jail Inmate CALL $100,000.00
GARRETT, TY WILLIAM 250000876 Spokane County Jail Inmate NO $0.00
GARRITY, JOSHUA T 250000735 Spokane County Jail Inmate NO $0.00
GARY, CODY SAMUEL 250000521 Spokane County Jail Inmate YES $5,000.00
GASTELUM-RAMOS, RICARDO 250000798 Spokane County Jail Inmate NO $0.00
GASTON, CARLETTA LINDSEY 240016908 Spokane County Jail Inmate YES $1,000.00
GEORGE, GLENN DALE 240017425 Spokane County Jail Inmate YES $2,250.00
GEORGE, MARY CHRISTINA 250000442 Spokane County Jail Inmate YES $1,250.00
GEORGE, SHAULA MARIE 250000851 Spokane County Jail Inmate YES $1,500.00
GIBSON, CULLEN JOE 240016608 Geiger Facility Inmate NO $0.00
GILMAN, SHILOH WILLIAM 240013735 Spokane County Jail Inmate YES $6,000.00
GLAESEMANN, TONI MARIE 250000791 Spokane County Jail Inmate NO $2,000.00
GOCHENOUR, MICHAEL KEVIN 240016669 Spokane County Jail Inmate YES $2,500.00
GOLDEN, TYJEUS 240015340 Geiger Facility Inmate YES $15,000.00
GOMEZ, FRANCISCO B 240011110 Spokane County Jail Inmate YES $5,000.00
GONZALES, RICCO A P 240014982 Spokane County Jail Inmate NO $0.00
GONZALEZ-FERRER, JUAN JOAQUIN 250000935 Spokane County Jail Inmate NO $0.00
GOODWIN, STEPHAN ALEXANDER 240015545 Spokane County Jail Inmate YES $10,000.00
GORDON, JEFFERY ROLANDO 250000630 Geiger Facility Inmate YES $4,000.00
GOTHBERG, SCOTT CHRISTOPHER 240015266 Geiger Facility Inmate YES $1,000.00
GRAHAM, BRANDON R 240015536 Spokane County Jail Inmate YES $2,500.00
GRAHAM, JOSHUA DAVID 250000698 Spokane County Jail Inmate NO $0.00
GRAHAM, LEVI D 240016936 Spokane County Jail Inmate YES $1,000.00
GRANT JR, LESEAN AT 240013058 Geiger Facility Inmate NO $0.00
GRANT, JAYKEITA 240010247 Spokane County Jail Inmate YES $100,000.00
GRANT, TYANA 240014198 Geiger Facility EHM NO $0.00
GREENE, TIMOTHY CARL 250000762 Spokane County Jail Inmate YES $50.00
GREGER, SCOTT HOWARD 240016375 Geiger Facility Inmate NO $0.00
GRIFFIN, DONALD EUGENE 250000795 Spokane County Jail Inmate NO $0.00
GRIMM, TERRY MICHAEL 240016828 Spokane County Jail Inmate NO $0.00
GRISBY III, HENRY 240017331 Spokane County Jail Inmate YES $25,000.00
GROGAN, ALLEN DEAN 240016029 Geiger Facility Inmate YES $100,750.00
GROSSGLAUSER, URIAH M 240014788 Spokane County Jail Inmate YES $25,000.00
GROTHE, BRANDON B 240016761 Spokane County Jail Inmate YES $2,500.00
GRUBB, JARROD TYLOR 240003309 Spokane County Jail Inmate CALL $40,000.00
GUERCIO, ROBERT L 240008417 Geiger Facility Inmate NO $0.00
GUERRA, LOPEZ A 240015934 Spokane County Jail Inmate YES $500.00
GUILLIAMS, CODY EUGENE 240016195 Spokane County Jail Inmate YES $51,000.00
GUIMOND, ANDREW B 240017445 Geiger Facility Inmate YES $2,250.00
GUTHRIE, JOHNATHAN REED 250000061 Geiger Facility Inmate YES $750.00
GUTIERREZ-VILLAFANA, ADOLFO 250000470 Spokane County Jail Inmate NO $0.00
GUY, CALEE L 250000844 Spokane County Jail Inmate YES $3,250.00
HAITH, IDRIS M 240017157 Spokane County Jail Inmate NO $0.00
HALL, BILLY MACK 240017190 Geiger Facility Inmate YES $2,500.00
HALL, COREY STEVEN 240011104 Geiger Facility Inmate YES $20,000.00
HALVORSON, SCOTT RAYMOND 210011120 Spokane County Jail Inmate NO $250,000.00
HANSEN, EMILY NICHOLE 240009233 Spokane County Jail Inmate YES $26,500.00
HANSEN, MITCHELL J 250000503 Spokane County Jail Inmate YES $10,000.00
HANSON, RYAN R 240017316 Spokane County Jail Inmate YES $10,500.00
HARPER, CHARLSTON D 240015417 Spokane County Jail Inmate YES $1,000.00
HARRINGTON, ISIAH J 240016736 Spokane County Jail Inmate NO $0.00
HARRINGTON, TREVOR D 240006082 Spokane County Jail Inmate YES $52,750.00
HARRIS, CALVIN P 240017189 Geiger Facility Inmate YES $2,500.00
HARRIS, JAMIE JO ANNE 250000199 Spokane County Jail Inmate YES $750.00
HARRIS, SHAWN LAFONTE 240015579 Geiger Facility Inmate YES $10,000.00
HARTZELL, PAUL C 230013672 Spokane County Jail Inmate CALL $255,000.00
HARVEY, ELIJIAH M 230015052 Spokane County Jail Inmate CALL $1,015,000.00
HASHIGUCHI, AUSTIN 240016389 Geiger Facility Inmate YES $10,000.00
HASWELL, TYLER ANDREW 250000741 Spokane County Jail Inmate YES $250.00
HATCH, THOMAS PATRICK 250000493 Spokane County Jail Inmate CALL $1,250.00
HAUKU, CEASAR 240016579 Geiger Facility Inmate NO $0.00
HAYDEN, MICHAEL 250000825 Spokane County Jail Inmate YES $6,500.00
HAYLETT, JUSTIN DERRICK 230009517 Spokane County Jail Inmate YES $500,000.00
HAYNES, DAVID PAUL 240009569 Spokane County Jail Inmate YES $70,500.00
HEIDEMAN, TOBIE A 240017283 Spokane County Jail Inmate CALL $50,000.00
HEISTER, JOSEPH EDWARD 250000894 Spokane County Jail Inmate YES $6,500.00
HELDRETH, WILLIAM M 240012008 Geiger Facility Inmate YES $25,500.00
HELLIWELL, GABRIAL FRANCIS 250000776 Spokane County Jail Inmate NO $0.00
HELMS, CHRISTOPHER ALLEN 250000740 Geiger Facility EHM NO $0.00
HELTON, ZEBEN L 250000078 Geiger Facility Inmate YES $25,000.00
HELTSLEY, STORMIE W 240014652 Spokane County Jail Inmate NO $0.00
HENDRICKSON, SEAN ADAM 240012315 Spokane County Jail Inmate CALL $25,000.00
HERNANDEZ, EARL W 240013603 Geiger Facility Inmate NO $0.00
HICKMAN-YOUNG, DEVAUNTE RZ 240016697 Spokane County Jail Inmate YES $210,000.00
HICKS, ZACHARY MACKENZIE 240016313 Geiger Facility Inmate YES $7,500.00
HIGGINS, BENJAMIN LAEL 240010977 Spokane County Jail Inmate NO $101,000.00
HILL, BENJAMIN JOSEPH 230012636 Spokane County Jail Inmate CALL $1,850,000.00
HILL, JONATHAN DENNIS 240015686 Geiger Facility Inmate YES $36,250.00
HILL, SABRINA MARIE 250000353 Geiger Facility EHM NO $0.00
HINES, ANDREW AARON 250000323 Spokane County Jail Inmate YES $1,500.00
HINKLEY, AARON L 240004408 Spokane County Jail Inmate YES $150,000.00
HOBBS, AMY J 240016365 Spokane County Jail Inmate YES $2,500.00
HOCKING, PHILLIP A 240009834 Spokane County Jail Inmate NO $0.00
HODGES, DONNA J 250000886 Spokane County Jail Inmate YES $50,000.00
HOLDER, AARON R 240000398 Spokane County Jail Inmate YES $1,000,000.00
HONEYCUTT, RYAN THOMAS 240017105 Geiger Facility Inmate YES $1,500.00
HOOD, DEVONTAY J 250000951 Spokane County Jail Inmate YES $2,000.00
HOOVER, HARVEST R 250000372 Spokane County Jail Inmate YES $1,000.00
HOPKINS, JOHN P 240013333 Geiger Facility Inmate NO $0.00
HORROCKS, LISA M 250000394 Spokane County Jail Inmate NO $0.00
HOSLER, JAMES WADE 240012496 Spokane County Jail Inmate YES $10,000.00
HOYT, KREGG ANTHONY 250000645 Spokane County Jail Inmate NO $0.00
HOYT, TYLER CHRISTOPHER 250000250 Geiger Facility Inmate NO $0.00
HUFF, DAVID P 250000164 Geiger Facility Inmate YES $5,000.00
HULINGS, CALEB BROOK 240001195 Spokane County Jail Inmate YES $250,000.00
HULINGS, DANE KENDRA 240003854 Spokane County Jail Inmate YES $250,000.00
HUNT, JOHNATHAN FREEMAN 250000796 Spokane County Jail Inmate NO $0.00
HURLEY, SEAN MICHAEL 240006574 Spokane County Jail Inmate YES $2,500.00
HURT, DAMEON JASON 250000265 Geiger Facility Inmate YES $2,500.00
HYDE, KELLY 240008140 Spokane County Jail Inmate YES $500,000.00
INGEBRITSON, JUSTIN WAYNE 240013135 Spokane County Jail Inmate NO $0.00
IRIZARRY, IAN CHRISTOPHER 240004490 Spokane County Jail Inmate YES $250,000.00
JACKSON, GRADY LEE 240015476 Spokane County Jail Inmate NO $0.00
JACKSON, PATRICIA LYNN 250000662 Spokane County Jail Inmate NO $0.00
JACKSON, SHAUN TRAVIS 250000239 Spokane County Jail Inmate NO $3,500.00
JACOBS, CHERYL L 240010529 Spokane County Jail Inmate YES $100,000.00
JALHOOM, MOHAMMAD A 240017005 Spokane County Jail Inmate NO $0.00
JAMES, CODY JESSIE 240015995 Spokane County Jail Inmate YES $500.00
JAMISON, RORY ALLEN 250000060 Spokane County Jail Inmate NO $0.00
JARAMILLO, ORLANDO 240015593 Spokane County Jail Inmate YES $3,000,250.00
JENNINGS, ERICA J 250000146 Spokane County Jail Inmate YES $7,500.00
JENNINGS, JAMES WALTER 240017235 Spokane County Jail Inmate YES $10,000.00
JENSEN, MICHAEL LEROY 240014388 Geiger Facility Inmate YES $750.00
JIMENEZ, ANTONIO G 250000775 Spokane County Jail Inmate NO $0.00
JIRON, RICARDO 230010391 Spokane County Jail Inmate NO $100,000.00
JOHNSON, AUSTIN TEDDY 250000783 Spokane County Jail Inmate YES $500.00
JOHNSON, CARLEE J 250000637 Spokane County Jail Inmate NO $0.00
JOHNSON, CHESED BRIAH 240015345 Spokane County Jail Inmate CALL $125,000.00
JOHNSON, JEREMY FREDERICK 240008074 Spokane County Jail Inmate YES $51,000.00
JOHNSON, JESSE S 240009160 Spokane County Jail Inmate YES $1,015,250.00
JOHNSON, LUKE DANIEL 250000818 Spokane County Jail Inmate YES $750.00
JOHNSON, SCOTT A 240000603 Spokane County Jail Inmate YES $500,000.00
JOHNSON, SHAWN PAUL 250000659 Geiger Facility Inmate CALL $104,000.00
JONES, ANTONEY CRAIG 240017470 Spokane County Jail Inmate YES $15,000.00
JONES, CARL D 240017185 Geiger Facility Inmate YES $1,000.00
JONES, JOHN LEEMAR 240001855 Spokane County Jail Inmate YES $1,005,000.00
JONES, RAYMOND GEORGE 250000225 Geiger Facility Inmate YES $25,000.00
JORDAN, CLIMMIETTE WILLAIM 240007080 Spokane County Jail Inmate YES $150,000.00
JUAREZ, CHRISTINA L 250000950 Spokane County Jail Inmate NO $0.00
JUDGE, ROBERT STANLEY 250000921 Spokane County Jail Inmate YES $1,000.00
KAHANU, PRESTON H 240011481 Geiger Facility Inmate YES $140,000.00
KAIN, TRAVIS RAY 250000766 Spokane County Jail Inmate CALL $2,500.00
KAISER, BRETT A 240017250 Geiger Facility Inmate YES $45,000.00
KAMAL, AZIZ 240015408 Spokane County Jail Inmate NO $0.00
KARN, SUZANNAH RENEA 250000771 Spokane County Jail Inmate YES $1,250.00
KEEN, JUSTIN DELL JOSEPH 240013257 Geiger Facility Inmate YES $1,000.00
KEENER, TIFFANY A 240013402 Spokane County Jail Inmate NO $0.00
KELLEY JR, ANTHONY LYNN 240005177 Spokane County Jail Inmate NO $100.00
KELLEY, KEVIN CHRISTOPHER 240012368 Geiger Facility Inmate NO $0.00
KELLY, AUSTIN ROBERT 250000655 Spokane County Jail Inmate YES $2,500.00
KELLY, TYLER JAMES 240016992 Spokane County Jail Inmate CALL $25,250.00
KELTY, ZACHARY CAMERON 240012587 Spokane County Jail Inmate YES $150,000.00
KENNEDY, GARRET C 240004474 Spokane County Jail Inmate CALL $15,000.00
KENNEDY, JARED ELIAS 250000095 Geiger Facility Inmate NO $0.00
KENNY, BRANDON LEE 230014998 Spokane County Jail Inmate YES $1,000,000.00
KENSON, BLAZE 240010709 Geiger Facility Inmate YES $76,500.00
KENT, THEODORE RYAN 240010850 Geiger Facility Inmate YES $7,500.00
KERR, JORDAN CLARK 250000619 Spokane County Jail Inmate YES $15,000.00
KEUTER, KYELAR LOGAN 240007313 Spokane County Jail Inmate YES $151,000.00
KIEFFER, JOHNNY KEVIN 250000800 Spokane County Jail Inmate NO $0.00
KINCAID, JEREMY D 240013004 Spokane County Jail Inmate NO $0.00
KING, TIMOTHY SHAUN 240004198 Spokane County Jail Inmate CALL $250,000.00
KINTGEN, MARK A 240014324 Geiger Facility Inmate YES $13,500.00
KIOURKAS, KYLE R 240006974 Spokane County Jail Inmate NO $0.00
KIRCHOFF, JUDY CHARLENE 250000810 Spokane County Jail Inmate NO $0.00
KIRKPATRICK, JEAN PAUL 230001749 Spokane County Jail Inmate YES $1,000,000.00
KLOCK, JOSHUA G 250000665 Geiger Facility Inmate YES $250.00
KLOPOV, YAKOV 250000369 Spokane County Jail Inmate NO $5,000.00
KNEIB, RYAN M 240010421 Spokane County Jail Inmate YES $15,000.00
KNOWLES, DANIEL PATRICK 250000166 Geiger Facility Inmate YES $500.00
KOZENYA, VITALIY L 250000467 Geiger Facility Inmate NO $0.00
KROSS, BRENDA D 220011116 Spokane County Jail Inmate NO $0.00
KULLBERG, WILLIAM D 240013278 Spokane County Jail Inmate YES $26,500.00
KURLE, SAMANTHA ANN 250000700 Spokane County Jail Inmate YES $50,000.00
KURMOYAROV, ALEKSANDR O 230001084 Spokane County Jail Inmate NO $0.00
KUSZ, CORBIN DANTE LANE 240012420 Spokane County Jail Inmate CALL $20,000.00
LABI, JACK 250000546 Spokane County Jail Inmate YES $100,000.00
LABRIE, SAMUEL CHASE 240014091 Geiger Facility Inmate NO $0.00
LACY, LONNIE DEAN 240008122 Spokane County Jail Inmate NO $0.00
LADUCER, TALITHA MOON 250000644 Spokane County Jail Inmate NO $0.00
LAFFOON, MARLON E 240007345 Spokane County Jail Inmate NO $0.00
LAKE, CODY A 250000940 Spokane County Jail Inmate NO $0.00
LAMB, JOSHUA MARK 240016632 Spokane County Jail Inmate YES $50,000.00
LAMERE, VICTOR E 230014818 Spokane County Jail Inmate YES $25,000.00
LANE, MICAH Z 240014497 Spokane County Jail Inmate NO $0.00
LANGE, DYLAN K 250000571 Spokane County Jail Inmate YES $40,000.00
LARSON, GRANT TIMOTHY 240016182 Geiger Facility Inmate YES $20,750.00
LASHGARI, ALI 250000245 Spokane County Jail Inmate YES $350,000.00
LASSEY, BENJAMIN GUNNAR 240017311 Spokane County Jail Inmate YES $500,000.00
LATHAM, DAVID W 240016103 Spokane County Jail Inmate YES $50,000.00
LAUTEZ, CHARLES 250000531 Geiger Facility Inmate YES $2,500.00
LAVOIE, SHANE JEROME 240007198 Spokane County Jail Inmate YES $25,000.00
LAW, MANDILYNN ANNMARIE 250000014 Spokane County Jail Inmate YES $2,000.00
LAWLER, MICHAEL E 250000681 Geiger Facility Inmate NO $0.00
LAWRENCE, JENNIFER L 250000692 Spokane County Jail Inmate YES $11,250.00
LEAF, SHELDON D 240015853 Spokane County Jail Inmate NO $2,500.00
LEMELY, IAN F 240011485 Spokane County Jail Inmate CALL $7,500.00
LEMKE, KATHRYN 250000830 Spokane County Jail Inmate YES $2,000.00
LESTER, CHAKOTA DENNIS 240016266 Spokane County Jail Inmate YES $1,000.00
LETAXIONE, NFN 200015991 Spokane County Jail Inmate NO $500,000.00
LEWIS, DEVON JAKEA 240013410 Spokane County Jail Inmate YES $50,000.00
LEWIS, GRIFFIN S 240015682 Spokane County Jail Inmate NO $0.00
LEWIS, HEATHER L 240011970 Spokane County Jail Inmate YES $3,000,000.00
LEWIS, JOHN M 240016336 Spokane County Jail Inmate NO $0.00
LEWIS, KRISTEN M 250000435 Spokane County Jail Inmate NO $0.00
LEWIS, NOAH THOMAS 240005832 Spokane County Jail Inmate CALL $20,000.00
LIMBERHAND, CODY JAMES 240012367 Geiger Facility Inmate NO $0.00
LINO-MIRELES, JUAN C 240015835 Spokane County Jail Inmate YES $35,000.00
LOGAN, JOEL VESTON 240010257 Geiger Facility Inmate YES $22,000.00
LOMAE, FAITH 240004567 Spokane County Jail Inmate YES $250,000.00
LOMAKEMA, JAMES LEE 240013537 Spokane County Jail Inmate NO $0.00
LONG, DOUGLAS DEYON 250000193 Spokane County Jail Inmate YES $500.00
LONGEST, FAITH I 250000934 Spokane County Jail Inmate NO $0.00
LOPEZ PEREZ, GABRIEL 250000389 Spokane County Jail Inmate YES $5,000.00
LOPEZ, ROBERTO 240008924 Geiger Facility Inmate YES $15,000.00
LOPEZ-BELTRAN, JOSE 240011577 Spokane County Jail Inmate NO $0.00
LOVE, NICHOLAS SANTOS 250000782 Spokane County Jail Inmate YES $2,000.00
LOVELACE, LATONYA C 250000892 Spokane County Jail Inmate YES $1,000.00
LOWMAN, JOSHUA JAIDEN 240016141 Spokane County Jail Inmate YES $4,000.00
LUBBEN, TWYLA L 240017160 Spokane County Jail Inmate NO $0.00
LUCAS, E'LHEN E 240003444 Spokane County Jail Inmate CALL $100,000.00
LUCK, LENNY MITCHELL 230007744 Spokane County Jail Inmate YES $250,000.00
LUECK, JOSHUA S 240011738 Geiger Facility Inmate YES $23,000.00
LUND, RYAN J 250000459 Spokane County Jail Inmate NO $0.00
LUOMA, CAMERON J 250000913 Spokane County Jail Inmate YES $2,000.00
LYNEM III, ROBERT REMSON 250000592 Geiger Facility Inmate NO $0.00
MACKAY, SHAWN 240016288 Geiger Facility Inmate YES $2,500.00
MACKIN, TYLER J 250000150 Geiger Facility Inmate YES $1,500.00
MALONE, DANIEL JAMES 240015670 Spokane County Jail Inmate NO $0.00
MALORET, TRISTAN SCOTT 250000866 Spokane County Jail Inmate YES $5,000.00
MANCHESTER, CHARLES M 240014806 Spokane County Jail Inmate CALL $1,000.00
MARLOW, DALEEN CARMAN 240017323 Spokane County Jail Inmate YES $250.00
MARONEY, AMANDA D 250000674 Spokane County Jail Inmate NO $0.00
MARSH, ELISHA S 240016127 Spokane County Jail Inmate YES $500,000.00
MARSHALL, ANDREW C 240017249 Geiger Facility Inmate YES $2,500.00
MARTIN, DERRICK DEAN 250000471 Spokane County Jail Inmate NO $0.00
MARTIN, LEROY EUGENE 250000855 Spokane County Jail Inmate YES $2,750.00
MARTINEZ, JOHN PAUL 250000289 Spokane County Jail Inmate NO $0.00
MARTINEZ, JOSEPH L 250000290 Spokane County Jail Inmate NO $0.00
MASHTARE, CHAD ELLIOTT 250000356 Spokane County Jail Inmate YES $500.00
MASON, GARY LYNN 250000858 Spokane County Jail Inmate YES $1,500.00
MAZZEO, GARTH IAN 250000412 Spokane County Jail Inmate NO $0.00
MCCAMMON, MARK C 250000794 Spokane County Jail Inmate NO $0.00
MCCANN, ALEXANDER C 240011214 Geiger Facility Inmate NO $0.00
MCCANNA, KYLE P 250000729 Spokane County Jail Inmate NO $0.00
MCCOY, JAMES VAUGHN 250000669 Spokane County Jail Inmate YES $750.00
MCCOY, KENNETH M 240014847 Spokane County Jail Inmate YES $15,000.00
MCCOY, MICHAEL MARTIN 250000517 Spokane County Jail Inmate YES $3,500.00
MCDANEL, CHRISTOPHER 240011382 Spokane County Jail Inmate YES $100,000.00
MCDANIELS, TAMICO RAMAL 240017385 Spokane County Jail Inmate NO $0.00
MCELROY, DAVID DANIEL 250000236 Spokane County Jail Inmate NO $10,300.00
MCELROY, KENNETH DAVID 250000577 Spokane County Jail Inmate NO $0.00
MCENTIRE, DANIEL CODY 250000878 Spokane County Jail Inmate YES $500.00
MCGRAW, COLTON GUNNAR 240011699 Geiger Facility Inmate YES $10,000.00
MCGREGOR, GAVIN MICHAEL 230001734 Spokane County Jail Inmate YES $1,100,000.00
MCHENRY, NICHOLAS JAMES 250000148 Spokane County Jail Inmate NO $0.00
MCKENZIE, DANIEL J 240015629 Spokane County Jail Inmate YES $74,500.00
MCKINNEY, SAXXON T 240016687 Geiger Facility Inmate YES $16,500.00
MCMAHON, MATTHEW WILLIAM 240016841 Spokane County Jail Inmate YES $35,000.00
MCNAMARA, LOGAN J 250000217 Geiger Facility Inmate NO $0.00
MCNEAL, ANTHONY 240015313 Spokane County Jail Inmate YES $20,000.00
MCNEIL, MATTHEW S 240016789 Spokane County Jail Inmate YES $20,000.00
MCPHERSON, TYLER B 240013453 Spokane County Jail Inmate NO $0.00
MCSPADDEN, JEREMY T 250000099 Geiger Facility Inmate YES $1,000.00
MEADE, KEITH J 250000654 Geiger Facility Inmate NO $0.00
MEJIA, JOAN MANUEL 240016606 Geiger Facility Inmate YES $20,000.00
MEJIA, RICHARD E 250000797 Spokane County Jail Inmate NO $0.00
MELUCCI, JAMES N 250000160 Spokane County Jail Inmate YES $2,000.00
MENDOZA, NASH RICHARD 240013678 Spokane County Jail Inmate YES $25,000.00
MENDOZA, VICTOR 250000541 Geiger Facility Inmate YES $1,250.00
MEYER, KURT P 240015666 Geiger Facility Inmate NO $500.00
MICHAEL, MARCIE JO 240012044 Spokane County Jail Inmate NO $0.00
MILLER, CHLOE R 240014937 Spokane County Jail Inmate NO $0.00
MILLER, DAREN J 250000928 Spokane County Jail Inmate YES $3,000.00
MILLER, DARREL LEE 250000490 Spokane County Jail Inmate YES $7,750.00
MILLER, JACOB C 250000573 Geiger Facility Inmate NO $0.00
MILLER, MANDIE R 230001085 Spokane County Jail Inmate YES $500,000.00
MILLER, MARIA VIRGINIA 240012332 Spokane County Jail Inmate NO $0.00
MILLION JR, BOBBY SCOTT 240010108 Spokane County Jail Inmate CALL $50,500.00
MILNER, RYAN TIMOTHY 240016903 Spokane County Jail Inmate YES $50,000.00
MINOR, JOHN T 240007574 Spokane County Jail Inmate YES $2,000,000.00
MITCHELL, ANTONIO MARCELL 240015475 Spokane County Jail Inmate NO $0.00
MITCHELL, GERALD LLOYD 240008456 Spokane County Jail Inmate YES $300,000.00
MIZE, EDNA 240015284 Geiger Facility EHM NO $0.00
MONTALVO, MARCO ANTONIO 250000083 Geiger Facility Inmate YES $50,000.00
MONTOYA, AARON W 240017423 Spokane County Jail Inmate YES $1,000.00
MOORE, COLE A 240015600 Geiger Facility Inmate NO $22,500.00
MOORE, THOMAS EDWARD 240014574 Spokane County Jail Inmate YES $50,000.00
MORALES-ABRAHAMSON, XAVIER E 240014775 Geiger Facility Inmate NO $0.00
MORAN, LOUIS DALE 240016948 Geiger Facility Inmate YES $1,000.00
MORIGEAU, TYLER M 250000845 Spokane County Jail Inmate NO $0.00
MORRIS, DOMINICK MICHEAL 240014219 Spokane County Jail Inmate NO $0.00
MORRIS, LEVI DEWAYNE 240009692 Spokane County Jail Inmate YES $20,000.00
MORRISON, ELLIOTT E 250000510 Geiger Facility Inmate YES $1,000.00
MOSBY, CHAD AARON 250000446 Geiger Facility Inmate YES $2,500.00
MOSES, ANGELA M 250000016 Spokane County Jail Inmate NO $0.00
MOSES, ROY A 250000585 Geiger Facility Inmate YES $1,500.00
MOSLEY, JOHN MICHAEL 250000801 Spokane County Jail Inmate YES $8,000.00
MOWBRAY, GABRIEL JASON 240015138 Spokane County Jail Inmate NO $0.00
MUNSON, MAXWELL DOUGLAS 250000765 Spokane County Jail Inmate CALL $250.00
MUNYON, LARRY J 240013714 Spokane County Jail Inmate YES $605,750.00
MURPHY, DANIEL L 250000528 Spokane County Jail Inmate YES $500.00
MURRAY, PAUL 250000299 Spokane County Jail Inmate NO $0.00
MYERS, JOSHUA MICHAEL 240016848 Geiger Facility Inmate YES $2,500.00
MYHREN, DONALD G 240013647 Spokane County Jail Inmate NO $10,000.00
NASH, JESSICA L 250000867 Spokane County Jail Inmate YES $1,000.00
NASON-ROSE, TRENTON JAMES 240013242 Spokane County Jail Inmate NO $50,000.00
NASSER, MARWAN ABDULLAH 240010321 Spokane County Jail Inmate NO $0.00
NEESON, DUSTIN C 240015703 Spokane County Jail Inmate YES $28,000.00
NELSON, GABRIEL ROYAL 240014544 Geiger Facility Inmate NO $0.00
NELSON, MICHAEL ROBERT 250000857 Spokane County Jail Inmate NO $0.00
NELSON, ROBERT GORDON 240014933 Spokane County Jail Inmate YES $1,500.00
NELSON, SABASTIAN R 250000420 Geiger Facility Inmate NO $0.00
NESBITT, MICHAEL J 240016796 Spokane County Jail Inmate CALL $1,000.00
NEWKIRK, ANTHONY WESLEY 240017394 Geiger Facility Inmate YES $500.00
NEWTON, ROGER LEWIS 240016109 Geiger Facility Inmate YES $1,000.00
NICHOLAS JR, THOMAS RAY 250000131 Spokane County Jail Inmate NO $0.00
NICHOLS, KEVIN W 240010681 Spokane County Jail Inmate YES $500,000.00
NIELSEN, KAYELA SUE 240016540 Spokane County Jail Inmate YES $75,000.00
NISBET, CARL LUCAS 240011259 Geiger Facility Inmate YES $11,000.00
NISSO, BILL 250000816 Geiger Facility Inmate YES $1,000.00
NOBLE, DUSTIN L 250000704 Spokane County Jail Inmate NO $0.00
NOLAN, FRED WILLIAM JR 240004353 Spokane County Jail Inmate YES $2,500.00
NOMEE, LEVY B 240016421 Spokane County Jail Inmate NO $7,500.00
NORBY, JAMES EDWIN 240008363 Spokane County Jail Inmate NO $0.00
NORDLUND, COLTON J 240013168 Spokane County Jail Inmate NO $0.00
NORRIS, WILLIAM JOSEPH 250000464 Geiger Facility Inmate NO $0.00
NUNEZ BORJAS, ORLEN D 250000719 Spokane County Jail Inmate YES $5,000.00
OAKES, JESSE JAMES 250000331 Geiger Facility Inmate YES $1,500.00
ODER, BOYD LEE 250000932 Spokane County Jail Inmate YES $1,000.00
ODONNELL, ERIC EDWARD 250000507 Spokane County Jail Inmate NO $25,000.00
OLIVER, JOSHUA J 240017177 Geiger Facility Inmate YES $15,000.00
OLSON, BILLY R 240001783 Spokane County Jail Inmate YES $120,000.00
OLSON, ELI J 240016064 Geiger Facility Inmate NO $0.00
OLSON, ERIC NORMAN 240016906 Geiger Facility Inmate NO $0.00
ONTIVEROS, MICHAEL ABLE 250000695 Geiger Facility Inmate YES $3,500.00
ORDUNO-GALLEGOS, SERGIO A 250000846 Spokane County Jail Inmate YES $4,000.00
ORMISTON, OWEN RODNEY 240014468 Spokane County Jail Inmate YES $5,000.00
ORTIZ AYALA, XAVIER 250000177 Geiger Facility Inmate YES $7,500.00
ORTIZ, LOGAN PATRICK 240008216 Spokane County Jail Inmate CALL $50,000.00
ORTIZ, MARK A 240014900 Spokane County Jail Inmate YES $10,000.00
OSBORNE, JESSE J 250000803 Spokane County Jail Inmate YES $750,000.00
OUTTEN, ZECHARIAH A 240015668 Spokane County Jail Inmate NO $50,000.00
OWENS, GABRIEL RAY 240016543 Spokane County Jail Inmate CALL $75,750.00
PABLO, SHANE A 240015632 Spokane County Jail Inmate YES $76,000.00
PACKARD, ROBERT MARTIN 250000628 Spokane County Jail Inmate YES $2,500.00
PAGE, ROBERT J 240011959 Spokane County Jail Inmate NO $0.00
PAJAS, DANIEL JOSEPH 240009466 Spokane County Jail Inmate YES $500,250.00
PALMER, MARC RONALD 250000689 Spokane County Jail Inmate YES $12,000.00
PALOMERA-TAPIA, HECTOR N 240016600 Geiger Facility Inmate YES $5,000.00
PARHAM, CEPHAS WILLIAM 230014851 Spokane County Jail Inmate NO $118,500.00
PARISIEN, JOSEPH MARTIN 250000475 Spokane County Jail Inmate NO $0.00
PARKER, LARREN ANN 220013466 Spokane County Jail Inmate NO $0.00
PARKER, NATHANIEL DAVID 240017247 Spokane County Jail Inmate NO $0.00
PARKER, SAMANTHA NOELLE 240016664 Spokane County Jail Inmate YES $250.00
PARKER, THOMAS GREGORY 240013433 Geiger Facility EHM NO $0.00
PARSONS, RUDY GARRETT 250000071 Spokane County Jail Inmate YES $14,000.00
PASHON, ROBERT A 240013760 Spokane County Jail Inmate NO $0.00
PATENAUDE, RENEE DONNA 250000582 Spokane County Jail Inmate YES $500.00
PATTEN, TRAVIS JAMES 250000553 Spokane County Jail Inmate YES $2,500.00
PATTERSON, MATHEW J 240016718 Spokane County Jail Inmate YES $1,000.00
PATTERSON, RYAN LEE 250000458 Geiger Facility Inmate NO $50,000.00
PEARSON, CODEY LAMONT 240013939 Spokane County Jail Inmate NO $0.00
PEDERSON, AUDREE L 200015994 Spokane County Jail Inmate NO $75,000.00
PEMBERTON, CARRIE ELIZABETH 250000678 Spokane County Jail Inmate NO $0.00
PENNELL, JAY DAX 250000885 Spokane County Jail Inmate NO $0.00
PEREZ, STEPHANIE REED 250000616 Spokane County Jail Inmate YES $1,000.00
PERKINS, MISTY D 250000494 Spokane County Jail Inmate CALL $2,000.00
PERLEY, JAMES 240015388 Geiger Facility EHM NO $0.00
PERRIN, DUSTIN T 240013636 Spokane County Jail Inmate NO $0.00
PETE, SHONTO KII 240014645 Spokane County Jail Inmate YES $35,000.00
PETERSEN, DIEGO ANTHONY 240003834 Spokane County Jail Inmate NO $0.00
PETERSEN, KAITLYN 250000575 Geiger Facility EHM NO $0.00
PETERSON, ADAM JOSEPH 240016897 Geiger Facility Inmate NO $0.00
PETERSON, RANDALL M 240016878 Spokane County Jail Inmate NO $0.00
PHILLIPS, HANNAH-JO M 250000605 Spokane County Jail Inmate YES $1,250.00
PINKHAM JR, MICHAEL LEE 240012278 Spokane County Jail Inmate NO $0.00
PINKHAM, CURRY 240014453 Spokane County Jail Inmate NO $0.00
PIPKIN, ALFRED S 250000901 Spokane County Jail Inmate YES $5,050.00
PIRTLE, KATRENA M P 240015688 Spokane County Jail Inmate YES $4,500.00
PITTMAN, JEREMY MICHAEL 250000214 Spokane County Jail Inmate CALL $10,000.00
POLSKY, JOSH F 240011477 Spokane County Jail Inmate NO $0.00
PONDER, JOHN DEE 240016165 Geiger Facility Inmate YES $2,500.00
PORTER, ARMAIL 250000137 Geiger Facility Inmate YES $3,500.00
POULTON, JARREN ISAACS 250000806 Spokane County Jail Inmate YES $1,500.00
POWELL, JORDAN D 250000898 Spokane County Jail Inmate YES $500.00
POWERS, KATIERA LOVE 240017101 Spokane County Jail Inmate YES $500.00
PRATER, KEVIN MICHAEL 250000147 Geiger Facility Inmate NO $0.00
PRICE, ROBERT DONALD 240016958 Spokane County Jail Inmate YES $75,000.00
PROCTOR, CHRISTIAN J 230010000 Spokane County Jail Inmate YES $250,000.00
PRUDHOMME, RONALD 240015379 Geiger Facility Inmate YES $2,500.00
PRZESPOLEWSKI, JACOB L 250000668 Spokane County Jail Inmate YES $2,500.00
PTACEK, ELIZABETH SARA 240017010 Spokane County Jail Inmate YES $100,000.00
PUCKETT, JAMES WILLIAM 250000330 Geiger Facility Inmate YES $1,000.00
QUARLES, DOMINIC JAMELL 240017408 Spokane County Jail Inmate YES $25,000.00
QUINN, DANIEL R 240004676 Spokane County Jail Inmate NO $1,030,000.00
RAHMA, ASADHIK 240013045 Spokane County Jail Inmate YES $157,000.00
RAINE-JONES, MEADOW W 240015620 Spokane County Jail Inmate YES $275,000.00
RAKOVSKYI, MYKOLA 240015565 Spokane County Jail Inmate YES $100,000.00
RAMEY, EDWARD FRANKLIN 240016860 Spokane County Jail Inmate YES $5,000.00
RAMIREZ, IRENE MARIE 250000469 Spokane County Jail Inmate NO $0.00
RAMOS, ADRIAN S 250000889 Spokane County Jail Inmate YES $1,750.00
RAMOS, DANIEL JR 240014109 Spokane County Jail Inmate YES $500.00
RAMOS, DOMINICK 240017402 Geiger Facility Inmate YES $50,000.00
RAMSEY, BERNARD L 250000615 Spokane County Jail Inmate NO $0.00
RAMSHAW, BRADLEY JAMES 240017057 Geiger Facility Inmate YES $5,250.00
RAMSHAW, TAEYLER A 250000576 Spokane County Jail Inmate NO $0.00
RAST, PATRICK C 230014183 Spokane County Jail Inmate YES $150,000.00
RAUTIO, KAYLA SHANTEL LYNN 250000552 Spokane County Jail Inmate YES $750.00
RECKNAGLE, JONATHAN PAUL 240017125 Geiger Facility Inmate YES $250.00
REDNOUR, DAMON E 240009039 Spokane County Jail Inmate NO $0.00
REDONDO BUESO, JUNIOR OMAR 240017207 Spokane County Jail Inmate YES $250.00
REEVES, JARED EARL 240003886 Spokane County Jail Inmate YES $250,000.00
RENOLLET, ZACHARY CHARLES 240010583 Geiger Facility Inmate YES $20,000.00
RESSLER, KIPP LEE 240016863 Spokane County Jail Inmate NO $55,050.00
REYES, MANUEL T 250000438 Geiger Facility Inmate YES $250.00
REYNOLDS, BRYCE ALAN 250000687 Spokane County Jail Inmate CALL $1,500.00
RHONE, KEMAN LEDELL 240016850 Spokane County Jail Inmate YES $128,000.00
RICHARD, DONIEL PAUL 250000864 Spokane County Jail Inmate NO $0.00
RICHARDSON, AZIEM L 240016565 Geiger Facility Inmate NO $0.00
RINARD, MARC G 240011516 Spokane County Jail Inmate YES $5,000,000.00
RIOS-CHACON, ALBERTO 240015433 Spokane County Jail Inmate NO $0.00
RISNER, CODY FRANKLIN 250000933 Spokane County Jail Inmate NO $0.00
RIVERA, ANGELO WILSON 240016422 Spokane County Jail Inmate YES $1,500.00
ROBERTS, MATTHEW ANTHONY 240013766 Spokane County Jail Inmate YES $12,500.00
ROBERTS, MEGAN J 240017416 Spokane County Jail Inmate NO $0.00
ROBISON, JAMIE BRAD 240011624 Spokane County Jail Inmate YES $90,250.00
RODRIGUEZ-SANCHEZ, JOSE MAURICIO 250000799 Spokane County Jail Inmate NO $0.00
RODRIQUEZ, GINO GONZAGA 250000708 Spokane County Jail Inmate NO $0.00
ROJAS-RIVERA, VICTOR MANUEL 240015679 Spokane County Jail Inmate NO $0.00
ROLD, MICHAEL T 240011202 Spokane County Jail Inmate YES $25,100.00
ROSE, CYNTHIA L 240005798 Spokane County Jail Inmate NO $0.00
ROSS, CAMERON N 250000706 Spokane County Jail Inmate NO $0.00
ROTH, BRANDIE CM 240013025 Spokane County Jail Inmate NO $0.00
ROULLIER, JESSE J 240009835 Spokane County Jail Inmate YES $2,000,000.00
ROULLIER, SEAN J 250000454 Geiger Facility Inmate NO $0.00
ROW, KYLE RAY 240016640 Spokane County Jail Inmate YES $100,000.00
RUFF, STANLEY KEITH 240009222 Spokane County Jail Inmate YES $14,500.00
RUIZ RODRIGUEZ, JEISON JOSE 240016819 Geiger Facility Inmate YES $25,000.00
RUIZ RODRIGUEZ, LUIS 240016941 Geiger Facility Inmate YES $25,000.00
RUIZ, CESAR A 240016818 Geiger Facility Inmate YES $27,500.00
RUIZ, MARISELA MARY 240009471 Spokane County Jail Inmate YES $2,500.00
RUMA, TIJENI 240017289 Geiger Facility Inmate YES $5,000.00
RUNGE, KYLE J 240010131 Geiger Facility Inmate YES $15,000.00
RUNKLE, SABRINA R 240017298 Spokane County Jail Inmate NO $0.00
RUSSELL, TROY JAMES 250000648 Spokane County Jail Inmate NO $0.00
SALA, RICHARD ALLEN 240013944 Spokane County Jail Inmate YES $11,000.00
SALLEE, ROBERT E 250000661 Spokane County Jail Inmate NO $5,000.00
SALVAGE, JEFFREY C 240016045 Spokane County Jail Inmate YES $75,000.00
SAM, MICHAEL JOSEPH 240016767 Spokane County Jail Inmate YES $250,000.00
SAMPSON, DANIEL C 240014467 Spokane County Jail Inmate YES $2,500.00
SAMPSON, OWEN LAYNE 240016771 Spokane County Jail Inmate NO $0.00
SAMUELS WYNECOOP, NOAH SHANE 240016572 Spokane County Jail Inmate NO $0.00
SAMUELS, ALYSSA A 240017059 Spokane County Jail Inmate CALL $1,750.00
SAMURA, ABUBAKAR 240016699 Spokane County Jail Inmate NO $0.00
SANCHEZ, TYLER A 250000861 Spokane County Jail Inmate YES $500.00
SANDERS, CHASE MALCOM 250000044 Spokane County Jail Inmate CALL $5,250.00
SANFORD, CLAY ANTHONY 240012383 Geiger Facility Inmate NO $0.00
SARAZIN, KORRIN L 240016582 Spokane County Jail Inmate YES $3,000.00
SCABBY ROBE, JOSEPH ANDRE 240017419 Geiger Facility EHM NO $0.00
SCAFIDE, SARAH K 240013608 Spokane County Jail Inmate YES $20,000.00
SCHAFF, ANTHONY LEE 240012168 Spokane County Jail Inmate YES $21,000.00
SCHATZ, CHRISTOPHER JAY 240016620 Spokane County Jail Inmate YES $1,000,000.00
SCHAUMAN, DAVION JAMELL 240007547 Geiger Facility Inmate NO $0.00
SCHILLING, LORAN SCOTT 240013975 Spokane County Jail Inmate CALL $2,000.00
SCHLOSS, AMBER M 250000187 Spokane County Jail Inmate YES $1,000.00
SCHOENBERGER, CHRISTOPHER L 250000880 Spokane County Jail Inmate NO $0.00
SCHOONOVER, JULIE RENE 250000752 Spokane County Jail Inmate YES $10,000.00
SCHULTE, ROBERT K 240013783 Spokane County Jail Inmate YES $200,000.00
SCHUPP, WILLIAM GERALD 240015103 Spokane County Jail Inmate NO $0.00
SCHUR, JONATHAN DANE 240017435 Spokane County Jail Inmate YES $255,000.00
SCHWARTZ, NEHADD 250000511 Spokane County Jail Inmate YES $5,000.00
SCZENSKI, DEREK NATHANIEL 230007656 Spokane County Jail Inmate YES $100,000.00
SHANAHAN, TIMOTHY JOSEPH 240016525 Geiger Facility Inmate NO $0.00
SHARKEY, TEVIN TYLER 240011353 Spokane County Jail Inmate YES $150,000.00
SHERMAN, MATTHEW 250000790 Spokane County Jail Inmate NO $0.00
SHERROD, RANDALL BRYAN 250000031 Spokane County Jail Inmate YES $255,000.00
SHIPPY, SHAWN C 230014000 Spokane County Jail Inmate YES $300,000.00
SHOPBELL, BRANDON JAMES 250000262 Geiger Facility Inmate YES $5,000.00
SHRINER, CAROLYN ANN 240016656 Spokane County Jail Inmate NO $100,000.00
SHULER, DALLAS MICHAEL 250000473 Spokane County Jail Inmate NO $0.00
SICAM, NICHOLAS LYNDON 240017452 Geiger Facility EHM NO $0.00
SIDIQ, ADAM A 240013668 Geiger Facility Inmate NO $0.00
SIJOHN, ADAM L 240009899 Spokane County Jail Inmate NO $0.00
SILK, OLYCIA ANNE 240015818 Spokane County Jail Inmate NO $0.00
SIMMONS, BRETT 250000058 Geiger Facility Inmate YES $500.00
SIMONSON, GRANT M 250000411 Spokane County Jail Inmate CALL $5,000.00
SIMPSON, DILLON C 250000023 Geiger Facility Inmate YES $1,250.00
SIMPSON, SCOTT SAMUEL W 240017325 Geiger Facility Inmate YES $5,000.00
SISSONS, ROMAN L 240014848 Geiger Facility Inmate NO $0.00
SITKO, JEREMY SCOTT 240012427 Spokane County Jail Inmate YES $50,000.00
SKELTON, AUGUSTUS K 240012874 Spokane County Jail Inmate NO $0.00
SKINNER, JAMES EARL 240014202 Spokane County Jail Inmate NO $0.00
SKINNER, JOSHUA P 250000110 Spokane County Jail Inmate YES $500.00
SLAGLE, MATTHEW S 240016467 Geiger Facility Inmate YES $500.00
SLAUGHTER, JACOB M 250000267 Spokane County Jail Inmate YES $10,000.00
SLONE, RANDY EUGENE 220013252 Spokane County Jail Inmate YES $1,000,000.00
SMITH, BRYCE D 240014922 Geiger Facility Inmate NO $0.00
SMITH, COURTNEY L 250000134 Spokane County Jail Inmate YES $2,500.00
SMITH, JEFFREY LEVI 250000684 Spokane County Jail Inmate YES $1,000.00
SMITH, JORDAN M 240016836 Geiger Facility Inmate YES $25,000.00
SMITH, JORY DANE 240017021 Spokane County Jail Inmate NO $0.00
SMITH, MEREDITH R 240016766 Spokane County Jail Inmate CALL $250.00
SMITH, RANDY LEROY 240013519 Spokane County Jail Inmate NO $0.00
SMITH, SHAWN D A 250000496 Spokane County Jail Inmate CALL $1,000.00
SMITH, STANLEY HOWARD 240013512 Geiger Facility Inmate NO $0.00
SMITH, STEVEN ALAN 230008599 Spokane County Jail Inmate NO $0.00
SMITH, WINSTON N 240012146 Geiger Facility Inmate NO $10,000.00
SOTO, KATRINA M 240008013 Spokane County Jail Inmate YES $50,000.00
SOUTH, STEVEN R JR 240015957 Geiger Facility Inmate NO $0.00
SPEARCHIEF, PAUL SHAWN 240013956 Spokane County Jail Inmate NO $0.00
SPENCLY, NICHOLAS D 240015037 Spokane County Jail Inmate YES $40,000.00
SPILLMON, QAEZHON JACQUIS 240013224 Geiger Facility Inmate YES $200,000.00
SPRACKLIN, CHANCE ALEXANDER 240017414 Geiger Facility Inmate YES $350.00
SPRING, DANIEL J 240016104 Spokane County Jail Inmate YES $5,000.00
SQUETIMKIN, JARREAU S 250000254 Geiger Facility Inmate NO $250,000.00
STAFFORD, AARON BRANDON 250000477 Geiger Facility Inmate YES $2,000.00
STANDLEY, DANIEL JOHN CROWELL 240016835 Spokane County Jail Inmate NO $0.00
STEARNS-MCCREA, STEVIE R 250000660 Spokane County Jail Inmate YES $1,000.00
STEIN, MISHEL W 240013707 Spokane County Jail Inmate NO $0.00
STENSGAR JR, MICHAEL JOHN 240017312 Spokane County Jail Inmate NO $0.00
STEVENSON, VICTOR J 250000127 Spokane County Jail Inmate NO $0.00
STEWART, TERRANCE N 240014369 Spokane County Jail Inmate NO $0.00
STITH, JOSIAH 250000922 Spokane County Jail Inmate YES $250.00
STODDARD, BRYSON MICHAEL 240008872 Geiger Facility Inmate YES $502,100.00
STORER, JEREMIAH HENRY 240013518 Geiger Facility Inmate YES $15,000.00
STRALEY-MCFARLAND, TORRIE LOU 240017305 Spokane County Jail Inmate NO $0.00
STRATTON, TYLER 240016713 Geiger Facility Inmate YES $4,000.00
STRUCKMAN, AARON KEITH 250000754 Geiger Facility Inmate YES $1,000.00
STUDEBAKER, RYAN C 240013611 Spokane County Jail Inmate NO $0.00
SUMMERS, BRANDY 240016609 Spokane County Jail Inmate YES $10,000.00
SUMMERS, JESSE V 240017058 Spokane County Jail Inmate YES $10,000.00
SWANN, MICHAELA M 240016982 Spokane County Jail Inmate NO $0.00
SWANSON, KYLE A 250000113 Spokane County Jail Inmate YES $2,500.00
SWEAT, BRADLEY ALLEN 240013122 Geiger Facility Inmate NO $0.00
SWEETLAND, DANIEL A 240014601 Spokane County Jail Inmate YES $25,000.00
SWETT, EMMA G 240017471 Spokane County Jail Inmate YES $1,000.00
SWIFT, GREG JAY 250000917 Spokane County Jail Inmate NO $0.00
SWIGER, JOHN LEVI 230015448 Spokane County Jail Inmate YES $5,000.00
TAKA, ABANG A 250000220 Spokane County Jail Inmate CALL $500.00
TALARICO, ROBERT PETE 240016799 Spokane County Jail Inmate YES $5,500.00
TANNER, IAN ISAAC 240013478 Spokane County Jail Inmate YES $20,000.00
TAPPEN, KAYLA MARIE 250000555 Spokane County Jail Inmate YES $1,500.00
TATSHAMA, KANE R M 250000232 Spokane County Jail Inmate YES $2,500.00
TAUALA, MELANIE M 250000936 Spokane County Jail Inmate NO $0.00
TAYLOR, COURTNEY E 240013811 Spokane County Jail Inmate NO $0.00
TAYLOR, JEFFREY JAMES 240017255 Spokane County Jail Inmate YES $5,000.00
TAYLOR, WILLIAM LEE 240000706 Spokane County Jail Inmate NO $100,000.00
TEMPLE, BILLY S 230008265 Spokane County Jail Inmate NO $0.00
THACKSTON, CLIFFORD TATE 250000206 Spokane County Jail Inmate YES $10,000.00
THATCHER, FARON J 240014439 Spokane County Jail Inmate NO $5,000.00
THERRIEN, TYLER JACOB 240014692 Spokane County Jail Inmate NO $0.00
THOMAS, DWIGHT E 240013039 Spokane County Jail Inmate YES $12,700.00
THOMAS, GEORGE ALLEN 240017079 Spokane County Jail Inmate NO $0.00
THOMAS, KALLIE LOUANN 250000753 Spokane County Jail Inmate NO $0.00
THOMAS, RODERICK J 240015062 Spokane County Jail Inmate NO $0.00
THOMPSON JR, HAROLD DAVID 240016898 Geiger Facility Inmate YES $8,500.00
THOMPSON, DOUGLAS DWAYNE 240015684 Geiger Facility Inmate NO $0.00
THOMPSON, ROBERT J 230010337 Spokane County Jail Inmate YES $50,000.00
THORNE, JESSE A 240017261 Spokane County Jail Inmate NO $0.00
THORNTON, CHRISTOPHER 240017468 Geiger Facility Inmate YES $25,000.00
TIBBETS, JAMES ARTHUR 240016915 Geiger Facility Inmate YES $25,000.00
TIUL CAAL, RICARDO 250000666 Geiger Facility Inmate YES $20,000.00
TODD, RYAN P 240005546 Spokane County Jail Inmate CALL $50,000.00
TOLLIVER, JUSTIN I 240004082 Spokane County Jail Inmate YES $80,000.00
TOMICH, RICHARD BRIAN 240016290 Geiger Facility Inmate NO $0.00
TORGERSON, DARRIN K 240006916 Spokane County Jail Inmate YES $10,000.00
TRANG, HOA MINH 240014865 Geiger Facility Inmate YES $5,000.00
TRAXINGER, CAMERON DOUGLASS 240016081 Spokane County Jail Inmate CALL $1,000.00
TROTCHIE, SARAH E 240014179 Spokane County Jail Inmate YES $5,000.00
TROWER, RICHARD LEE 240011929 Spokane County Jail Inmate YES $3,000,000.00
TRUINI, CHRISTOPHER R 240012939 Spokane County Jail Inmate NO $0.00
TUCK, GREGORY FLOYD 250000843 Spokane County Jail Inmate NO $250.00
TUCKER, RASHEED JASON 240016876 Spokane County Jail Inmate YES $25,000.00
TURBYFILL, CASEY R 240007781 Spokane County Jail Inmate YES $15,000.00
TWO HEARTS, PAUL A 240008935 Geiger Facility Inmate NO $0.00
TYLER, WAYNE ARTHUR 240015405 Geiger Facility EHM NO $0.00
TYNDALE, QUENTYN P 230009518 Spokane County Jail Inmate YES $500,000.00
UNUP, CARLOS P 240011968 Spokane County Jail Inmate YES $100,000.00
UPHUS, SHAWN EDWARD 240013970 Geiger Facility Inmate YES $750.00
URBANSKI, RICHARD M 250000018 Spokane County Jail Inmate NO $0.00
VAN PELT, ANDREW A 240016823 Geiger Facility Inmate YES $15,000.00
VANCUREN, DANIEL AVERY 250000276 Geiger Facility Inmate NO $1,750.00
VANSLYKE, JUSTIN DEAN 250000186 Geiger Facility Inmate YES $27,500.00
VASQUEZ AMAYA, JUNIOR 250000441 Geiger Facility Inmate YES $1,500.00
VASQUEZ, ALEXANDER 240008144 Spokane County Jail Inmate YES $75,000.00
VAUGHN, COLLIN SCOTT 240011877 Spokane County Jail Inmate YES $50,000.00
VAZQUEZ, AMBER 240009381 Spokane County Jail Inmate YES $110,000.00
VENEMA, LACEY M 240008039 Spokane County Jail Inmate NO $0.00
VERHAAG, MICHAEL R 240010002 Geiger Facility Inmate YES $5,000.00
VERSTEGEN, BRADLEY JAMES 240017012 Geiger Facility Inmate YES $5,000.00
VIEIRA, JOSHUA 250000483 Spokane County Jail Inmate YES $10,000.00
VOSS, BRANDON THOMAS 240016587 Geiger Facility Inmate YES $1,500.00
WAHID, KASHIFY 240010047 Spokane County Jail Inmate CALL $5,000,000.00
WALKER, WILLIAM PATRICK 240016816 Spokane County Jail Inmate CALL $100.00
WALLACE, NOAH HAWK 230013787 Spokane County Jail Inmate YES $50,000.00
WALLS, JUSTIN C 250000213 Geiger Facility Inmate NO $0.00
WALSH, KRISTY A 250000449 Spokane County Jail Inmate YES $750.00
WARREN, JOSHUA M 240011914 Geiger Facility Inmate NO $25,000.00
WATSON, TAYLOR 250000808 Spokane County Jail Inmate YES $500.00
WATT, DARNELL L 250000563 Geiger Facility Inmate YES $1,250.00
WAY, JONATHAN J 250000900 Spokane County Jail Inmate YES $50,000.00
WEAVER, XANDER KAYN 250000915 Spokane County Jail Inmate NO $0.00
WEBB, SHAUN 240000719 Spokane County Jail Inmate CALL $150,500.00
WEBER, ZACHARY S 250000834 Spokane County Jail Inmate NO $0.00
WEBSTER, CASSIDEY L 250000804 Spokane County Jail Inmate YES $1,000.00
WELCH, HANNAH M 250000215 Spokane County Jail Inmate NO $6,500.00
WELLINGTON, NOAH DANIEL 250000227 Geiger Facility Inmate YES $3,500.00
WERLE, JUSTIN C 240014979 Spokane County Jail Inmate NO $10,000.00
WEST, JAMZE K 240013759 Geiger Facility Inmate YES $177,000.00
WHITE, RYAN L 240017204 Spokane County Jail Inmate YES $250.00
WHITE, STEVEN PAUL 230010468 Spokane County Jail Inmate YES $2,000,000.00
WHITEHALL, RONALD TIMOTHY 240007300 Spokane County Jail Inmate NO $0.00
WILBOURN, VANESSA I 250000407 Spokane County Jail Inmate YES $1,500.00
WILDER, JAYMIE L 250000881 Spokane County Jail Inmate YES $50,000.00
WILEY, EVAN 240012821 Spokane County Jail Inmate YES $5,000.00
WILLIAMS, JACOB MICHAEL 240013804 Spokane County Jail Inmate NO $0.00
WILLIAMS, SHANNON C 250000807 Spokane County Jail Inmate NO $0.00
WILLIAMS, TEVAN T 240009097 Spokane County Jail Inmate YES $475,000.00
WILLIS, DANNY M 250000758 Spokane County Jail Inmate NO $10,000.00
WILLYARD, GENEVIEVE JUSTINE 250000903 Spokane County Jail Inmate YES $1,500.00
WILSON II, JOHN WESLEY 240016239 Spokane County Jail Inmate NO $0.00
WILSON, JUSTIN JAMES 250000333 Geiger Facility Inmate YES $1,000.00
WILSON, KEVIN ANDREW 220000335 Spokane County Jail Inmate YES $1,000,000.00
WILSON, MICHAEL J 240009401 Spokane County Jail Inmate CALL $26,150.00
WILSON, PETER G 240017288 Spokane County Jail Inmate CALL $12,500.00
WINES, ROBERT A 240016980 Geiger Facility Inmate YES $21,000.00
WISE, RAMON PAUL 250000094 Geiger Facility Inmate YES $3,500.00
WITCHER, AUSTYN CAIN 240016041 Spokane County Jail Inmate YES $100,000.00
WITHEY, MICHAEL W 240015315 Geiger Facility Inmate NO $0.00
WITTERS, BRANDON L 250000721 Spokane County Jail Inmate NO $0.00
WITTRY, JONATHAN MARC 240014172 Spokane County Jail Inmate YES $5,250.00
WOOD, CAELA 250000456 Spokane County Jail Inmate YES $1,250.00
WOOD, JEREMY JOSEPH 250000606 Geiger Facility Inmate YES $2,500.00
WOOD, MICHAEL JAIMS 250000594 Spokane County Jail Inmate NO $0.00
WOOD, ROSCOE GEORGE 240009532 Spokane County Jail Inmate NO $0.00
WOODS, JORDAN M E 250000355 Spokane County Jail Inmate NO $5,000.00
WOODWORTH, JOHN DUANE 240016561 Spokane County Jail Inmate NO $0.00
WORRELL, STEVEN D 240015251 Spokane County Jail Inmate YES $75,750.00
WRIGHT, JEREMY J 240011910 Spokane County Jail Inmate NO $0.00
WRIGHT, MICHAEL CYRIL 240009876 Spokane County Jail Inmate YES $25,000.00
YEAGER, CORY J 240013343 Geiger Facility Inmate YES $26,000.00
YORK, ALLEN K 240015076 Spokane County Jail Inmate YES $52,000.00
YOUNG, WARDELL LEON 240017141 Geiger Facility Inmate YES $1,500.00
YOUNGMAN, TAWNY MICHELLE 240015572 Spokane County Jail Inmate NO $0.00
ZARSA, ERICK 250000890 Spokane County Jail Inmate YES $27,000.00
ZIELKE, RONALD J 240017306 Geiger Facility Inmate YES $10,250.00
ZITTING, MIRANDA MAY 250000445 Spokane County Jail Inmate NO $0.00
ZUNIGA, JEREMY JOSEPH 240017206 Geiger Facility Inmate YES $1,500.00